Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Day 2 - Apples & Bananas

Here's how I started my ripe morning out.

I actually started with 4 bananas and 4 apples, but DS (DS = Dear Son) naturally wanted a banana, so here's the list:

Prep time: 1 Hour

* 3 Bananas
* 4 Apples
* 1 Lemon
* 1 Paring Knife (if you have an apple cutter (not the slicer, but the one that punctures holes in the middle) and banana cutter, then use them!)
* 2 Cups Water
* 1 Bowl
* Paper Towels
* Cutting Board

I made the Acid Bath first, I cut the lemon and squirted it in my bowl (add the whole lemon), then I added 2 cups of water. This will be enough for the whole batch of fruit.

Then I sliced the apples really thin. I soaked them for about 3-5 minutes, butt hey could have stayed in for a few minutes longer.

                   Apple slices in the Acid Bath

Then I put these on paper towels and dryed them off as best I could and then layed them in the dehydrator.

                                        This made 4 trays full of fruit

I sliced the bananas and repeated the same process as the apples (acid bath, then dryed, then off to the dehydrator).

I am going to keep these in the dehydrator for 12 hours (started at 10am, so until 10pmish) and then keep an eye on the bananas. Mil said she dehydrated hers for 12 hours but a lot of blogs claim 24 hours. So it's best to just keep an eye on them, and taste test ;)

           I put the temperature on 135 degrees.

Will update tonight!

An hour later, DH (Dear Husband) kept sniffing around the dehydrator, so I opened it to shuffle the racks around and just to see how it was dehydrating before we head out to play in the rain.

               Apples are getting crispy!

                Bananas are still mushy.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

1st Dehydrator


Not too healthy, but yummy.

Teriyaki seasoning, cure, garlic, dehydrator (set to 160 degrees).

After dehydrating for 4 & 1/2 hours and I prepped for 1 hour (because I made a second batch with my own teriyaki dressing and no cure), I think it is finally done.

This roast isn't the best. My mother in law buys 'thin sliced Milanesa' and I have to tell you, that meat is absolutely delicious! 

This roast is Top Round Roast. Not the best...

*At 4 & 1/2 hours in the dehydrator, my jerky was not 100% cooked, I had to cut my own strips, so next batch I am cooking for longer, maybe 8 hours. Not to mention, when I go to the store again, I'll be getting MIL's cut and asking they slice it.*

My mother in law (MIL) suggested to throw these bad boys in the oven if i wanted them crispier for 5-10 minutes on 325-350 degrees... This was a win win. I didn't like this jerky anyways, and Hubby loves it even more now.

This was the finished product of my first unsuccessful batch of beef jerky. The oven turned it black and dryer than it was, and it came out greasy.  

Can't wait for Round 2! Will be done around 6am...